Just because my dad is a dentist doesn't mean I don't get cavities. Truth be told, I forget to brush occasionally. Sometimes I'm just too tired. Just like my dad warned me, I ended up with a cavity. So today I'm visiting my dad's office. He's going to get the sugar bugs out. And I'm going to be brave. Very, very brave.
Jenni is my dad's helper. She is putting this funny elephant mask on me. I think it looks more like a Star Wars mask, but I won't tell Jenni. I don't want to make her feel bad. Jenni thinks I'm brave. Very, very brave. And cool. Very, very cool.
Jenni said the elephant mask will make me feel funny. I don't think I need a mask to feel funny. My mom already thinks I'm funny. Very, very funny.
Jenni said the elephant mask will make me feel funny. I don't think I need a mask to feel funny. My mom already thinks I'm funny. Very, very funny.
Whoa. Now I'm feeling funny. And kind of fuzzy. Very, very fuzzy.
I'm getting a little nervous. Do you think I look nervous? Very, very nervous?
I'm getting a little nervous. Do you think I look nervous? Very, very nervous?
My dad must be really brave to put his fingers in my mouth. I hope I don't bite him. I bet he hopes I don't bite him either. These glasses make me look cool. Very, very cool.
That's so cute! Err, I mean it's very, very cute! ;)
Haylie had a sugar bug, or more like a sugar monster, a couple of years ago. She was complaining that her tooth was "sharp". When we looked in her mouth we saw that a cavity had eaten away HALF of her molar! Boy, did John (her dentist dad) feel sheepish then!
too cute! love it, also I got my camera! I'm so happy!
Very, very cute! What a little stud Adam is. How embarrassing that I haven't been to the dentist for, oh....a few YEARS! And my kids have never been either. I never thought I'd be one of "those" people. Hmmm....I may be in Adams seat very, very soon.
This is just simply a wonderful blog. Thanks, Lynette.
PS....is that the nifty 50 you're using?
How did you guess? I am loving it!
I love that you took a gazillion pictures at the dentist. And they are really good pictures!!!
You were all over the place :o)
So great!!!
Thank you again for the kind words over at P-Dubs!
Lynette, this was such a cute little story. I loved it. Very creative.
Hey, I also wanted to let you know that my husband got a new camera last week and is just starting to get into photography. I showed him your blog and several of your excellent photos and told him that you are taking a class to help you. We like your work! Keep it up.
Oh, and do you mind if I add your blog to my blogs I read?
All of that was just too familiar. What a fun trip to the dentist!
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