
houston, we have a winner!

She did it, folks! Maryanne is the new owner of a Sonicare toothbrush. Her canines, molars, lateral incisors, and husband will thank us!

The puzzle was finished in record time. By 10:00 a.m. New Year's Day the last piece was placed. Granted, we did this puzzle last year so maybe we don't earn bragging rights. It's much larger than the picture above (everything's bigger in Texas, right?), but this gives you the idea. For those of you who know us well, Texas has a sweet spot in our hearts.

Thanks to all (two) entries! Y'all missed out...


Maryanne said...

I've never won anything before!!! (That's actually a little tiny lie as I won a box of cereal from our local grocery store a few months back.) Yippee! I stared at that puzzle for I think 10 minutes and then, bam! it just hit me up side the head like a 7 1/2 pound slab of Black Angus beef (Texas beef, of course).

Nicole said...

Hey! I may not have been eligible for the contest anyway....BUT....sweet puzzle. We did a puzzle too...but it was Hello Kitty, and it was only 100 pieces. Maybe in a few years.

Barrett's Christmas gift was a Sonicare. That's how dedicated we are to oral health. Pathetic, eh? Well, congrats to Maryanne!

Kathy said...

How did Maryanne ever know that was Texas? I went back to the puzzle pieces and still can't see how she did it! Excellent job! Can you tell,I don't do puzzles?

Lynette said...

Maryanne had a bit more info because she knows our history. Is that an unfair advantage? I'll make sure the next puzzle is completely neutral...

I was going to post puzzle pieces that you could print, cut out, and assemble if there wasn't a winner within a few days...